
And so it begins.

I have been researching hip replacement surgeons.

I have emailed a guy the Royal National Orthopedic Hospital, two more at St Georges and the Hip Unit in London.

Now to wait for a response, crossing my fingers.

Below is the email.

Dear Surgeon of awesomness,

My name is Catherine, I'm a 40 year old woman who was born with severe bilateral hip dislocations.

I am aware I cannot be referred to yourself but would like a recommendation of a consultant who is experienced with adult patients who have had higher instances of surgical intervention for congenital abnormalities.

My left hip was put in to place after two closed inductions and one successful open induction by two years old.

My right hip was set in place after two closed inductions and three/four open inductions. I was six by the successful operation and spent six months in a frog cast when it was finally set.
The result of this late setting is a shallow socket, malformed ball and a 3/4 of an inch leg length difference. I walk with a limp and also am fairly hypermobile, which affects my gait.

I have not visited a consultant for 9 years, the last time was in Australia. His name is Robert Dickens. He has retired from practice but operated many years at the Royal Children's Hospital of Melbourne and was the surgeon who finally set the right hip in place. I have attached the last x-ray I have had taken. It was taken in 2006.

I have had a very noticeable decline in my walking, mobility and general well-being of the right hip in the past six months. This includes stiffness, less movement and audible grinding noises when undertaking activities such as tying my shoes. I also can get sharp intermittent pain with simple movements such walking or turning over in bed. This pain does feel like the ball impacting with the socket. This tends to stop me in my tracks and passes with a little time or stretching.

My pain levels have increased significantly with this decline. I am taking ibuprofen regularly, a new thing for me. I have generally managed my pain with physiotherapy, stretching and resting. I also take the strain off it by using a cane but feel this is weakening the surrounding muscles somewhat. I swim twice a week as exercise, but am struggling to walk as far as I used to.

I live in ** and my closet hospital is **. I understand it is early in the process but having lived with a slightly broken body all my life, I don't wish let it get very broken before being fixed.

Do you have a recommendation of a consultant who operates in an area I am able to be referred to? I am more than willing to travel.

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