Well, here we are in January. The hip replacement is officially two years old. Yes, two years! Looking back it is almost like a completely different life.
The difference is day and night, almost pain free and wonderful movement. Yes, I am still having issues with the thigh pain, recently I did have two weeks of thigh pain, some of it take my breath away pain, something I have not dealt with for what seems like a long time! There was a couple of moments of having to sit down! I think a lot of that is the strange distribution of my weight with 9 months of baby growth! I have pretty much given up trying not to waddle because normal walking can cause the thigh pain kick off.
The change in the last twelve months is the most amazing, loosing weight, gaining fitness and then excitement of pregnancy. I certainly don't regret getting the replacement, I really didn't think a pound of titanium would change my life so much.
The Pregnancy is going well, I am on maternity leave and currently biding my time waiting for the baby decide to leave or be evicted.
There has been an information exchange between Mr Hutt and the consultant team at Homerton Hospital. Mr Hutt has informed them that hip replacement is fine for a natural birth, I think something that surprised the team, which is helpful because I needed them to understand it is safe but need just a touch more care.
I have decided the option of an epidural is off the table because I want to make sure that I am not put into a position that may upset the replacement. There is a no real risk of dislocation but being able to feel the replacement will give me that reassurance that it is going stay put. Also that my uber bendy joints are behaving themselves, feeling them is important and making sure they are holding out okay and not being pushed too far.
The pregnancy its self has been fairly uneventful, it took till about 7 months before I looked pregnant which was interesting. I am not the typical basket ball shape and carrying quite wide. This is was worrying me for a bit but my mother carried the same way. Stealth bump! There was a bleep at about 34 weeks when we realised the baby was in breech position. Breech is not good when you are aware of Congenital Hip Dislocation and that it ups the chances. I did some googling and found the most astounding array of slightly scientific and a lot of witchcraft methods . So I did handstands in the pool and walked a long way and the baby had turned around the 36 week mark. So now we only have genetic predisposition, first pregnancy and possible girl as reasons for CDH!
I have not really enjoyed the whole pregnancy process. The hormones are hard work causing tears over stupid things ie cots, cat vomit or bus not turning up. I have have had rubbish acid reflux due to hormones and my hyperactivity and the acid in my stomach has refused to stay put, mostly when lying down. I certainly am not a glowing earth mother and am a bit over the feeling of being taken over. There s a lot pressure in my body and the wiggling presses in sort places and is disconcerting when you can watch it change the shape of your belly.
The midwives have been lovely and when I burst into tears on one this week she was very supportive. As I am over forty and the there is a distinct rise in the risks of still birth, the hospital do not like you going over 40 weeks. I did research the stats and the jumps are small but they are conclusive there is a risk. So we have had to plan the birth around this, there is no known reasons why the placenta can suddenly fail for women over 40 beyond 40 weeks. So we have a finite date but really would like to the baby leave on their own, so we are back into wives tales and witchcraft. So there is Raspberry Leaf Tea, bouncing on the gym ball (space hopper) and walking. So far it has not worked.
All though there has been a lot of change in the past two years there has been on constant, and that is the unfailing support of Mr Gin. He has been amazing and full of excitement. I foresee a crazy co-parenting experience for the next 18 or so years.
So, Hippy birthday to my replacement and incoming birthday for January!
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