This put timings out a bit and I had to think if I wanted change hospitals or surgeon. After thinking I decided to continue with Mr Hutt and we moved hospitals and I saw him three weeks after he started in his new role.
To resolve the pain issues from the implant I am going to have a bone graft to hopefully distribute the pain that flares up and either reduces or removes it. The pain is okay in the summer but winter it can be terrible. I ended up on my stick a couple days with a cold snap and it certainly was nagging.
This stem pain is a known side of the implant (S-Ron) and the bone graft should resolve it. If it doesn’t then I am going to lump it and chase a toddler, as the other option is a revision and I am too young for that. Neither I not Mr Hutt are keen on that option, because in his words, those replacements are hard to take out. The graft will be donor bone, so prepare for dead people jokes and a push to donate your bits when you move on. (Tell your family.)
When I saw Mr Hutt, he was not sure what his waiting list was like and I have some plans coming up that we needed to work around. With some phone calls I sorted a date with the lovely scheduler and I have surgery on the 17th of September. This could very interesting; the recovery shouldn’t be as long as a replacement but could be more painful to begin with. This could be interesting with a toddler!
I have had the pre-operation appointment and considering there has been no communication it is all go. Fingers crossed Squeaky is walking and we have begun planning, the logistics are a little worrisome.